EUDAT believes fundamentally in open access. By open access we mean the free availability of data on the public Internet, permitting any user to reproduce and redistribute them for any purpose, and in particular for the purpose of non-commercial research, without financial, legal or technical barriers. However, this approach is not without its challenges! In this session we will explore some of the practical, legal and ethical aspects of open data.

Thursday 25th September 2014

Open Access and Licensing SESSION

Session chair  Rob Baxter, EPCC/EUDAT

Dr Rob Baxter graduated in 1989 with a BSc BSc (1st Class Hons) in Physics/Theoretical Physics from the University of St Andrews.He  then spent a year in Cambridge, doing Part III of the Maths Tripos and falling off punts before coming to the University of Edinburgh in 1990 to join the Particle Physics Theory Group. He completed my PhD in lattice QCD in 1993 and subsequently joined EPCC.He currently co-manages the Software Development Group at EPCC, involved  in commercial and scientific software development and working on projects such as SSI: the UK’s Software Sustainability Institute; ADMIRE: advanced data mining and Internet-scale data integration; Maxwell: how to build a supercomputer out of FPGAs; Condition-based Monitoring, with ITI Techmedia.

Open Data pilots

by Jarkko Siren, European Commission

Jarkko Sirén joined the European Commission in 2009. He is Project Officer in DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology. He is currently working on e-infrastructures with a special focus on scientific data infrastructures. He has previously worked in IT project management and development in the European Commission (DG EAC) and in private sector companies. Jarkko holds a M.A. in Philosophy (1996, Helsinki University).

OA and licensing in EUDAT by  Marie Sandberg, CSC and EUDAT
Conclusion to the EUDAT user study of attitudes to open data licensing

Ms. Marie Sandberg is working as a Project Coordinator in the Research Infrastructure group at CSC - IT Center for Science in Finland. She has a degree of Master in Political Science and is currently involved in the sustainability work package of EUDAT, where she has conducted a user study aimed at developing a licensing policy framework for EUDAT. She is additionally part of the ENVRI project sustianability team and is taking part in the coordination of the RDA Europe project.

Legal and ethical issues in open access to research data. Reporting results of the RECODE project by Jeroen Sondervan, Publisher at Amsterdam University Press

Jeroen Sondervan is publisher humanities and online projects at Amsterdam University Press. He studied Media and Information Management at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA) and Media and Culture at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). As well as publishing paper books, he works on digitalization projects, Open Access and e-journals at AUP. For the online Journal of Archaeology in the Low Countries he was involved in a long-term project concerning enriched publications in online scientific journals. In addition to working for Amsterdam University Press he is owner of Sondervan Publishing, which is a valued partner for publishers, museums and research institutes that are searching for new ways of getting their information to the right public.

Legal Aspects of Text and Data Mining

by Pawel Kamocki, IDS Mannheim/Paris Descartes/WWU Münster

Pawel Kamocki (Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, CLARIN ERIC): Legal expert with background in language science; member of the CLARIN ERIC Legal Issues Committee, PhD candidate at Paris Descartes University and at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (thesis subject: Legal issues in e-Research and e-Learning). He also works with the RDA/CODATA Interest Group on Legal Interoperability and EUDAT’s Working Group on Data Access and Re-Use (which he co-chairs). He has presented on legal issues in many fora, including eIRG, CLARIN and EUDAT, and published in peer-reviewed journals.


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