EUDAT is currently a network of independent centres across Europe. Should this change in the future? Should EUDAT become a single legal entity? If not, with whom do community organisations wanting to use EUDAT services partner with? How will users work with EUDAT in the future? This session provides a platform for community organisations to explain what sort of EUDAT would work for them.

Thursday 25th September 2014

Daniele Bailo, Engineer, INGV, Italy
Daniele Bailo (M) Engineer in Computer Science, PhD. Working at INGV from 2011, he is involved in the design of the EPOS e-Infrastructure and coordinates as co-chair EPOS WG7 (e-Infrastructures and virtual communities). Member of the Eurocris Organization. Topics of expertise include: coordination and co-chairing of EPOS WG7 (e-infrastructures and virtual communities); scientific data formats and metadata standards for interoperability; interoperability of systems through standard web services (SOA, FDSN WS etc.); metadata management through CERIF standard for CRIS - an EU recommendation; big data and noSQL databases; web application development with OO frameworks. Involved in several EU projects as advisory and ICT expert member.
Reinhard Budich, IT Specialist/IT Architect, MPI für Meteorologie, Hamburg, Germany
Reinhard Budich is an Oceanographer and has been working in Earth system modelling for over 25 years. He is currently responsible for Strategic IT Partnerships at MPI-M. He has held responsibility for ICT at MPI-M for over 20 years in various positions, has been the Technical Coordinator of the FP7 project IS-ENES, was running the COSMOS network as a project manager and was Director of the FP5 PRISM project. Since 2001 he has also been running the ENES office in Hamburg and is a member of the ENES board.
Dieter van Uytvanck, CLARIN ERIC Technical Director
Dieter van Uytvanck is technical director for the CLARIN ERIC. He graduated in Informatics (2002, Ghent University) and Language and Speech technology (2007, Radboud University Nijmegen) and has been involved in technical infrastructure building (based at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics) since CLARIN's preparatory phase in 2008. As of 2012 he is the chair of the Standing Committee on CLARIN technical centres. He is a member of EUDAT's Services and Architecture Forum, GÉANT's International User Advisory Committee and is co-chair of the RDA working group on dynamic data citation.

Herbert Schentz, Semantic Analyst, Ecosystem Research & Environmental Information Management, Environment Agency Austria (EAA), Wien

Herbert Schentz started with IT-work in the early 70ies, programming FORTRAN for the evaluation of geological measurements. Within the Umweltbundesamt GmbH he has been working as business analyst since 1986, becoming responsible for the data management system for the Austrian part of the UN ECE project Integrated Monitoring in 1992. This work resulted in the ontology driven information system MORIS 1, and a first ontology for Integrated Monitoring data, called CERIS. Herbert Schentz was member of the core group of the IT- Work package of ALTERNet, where amongst other tasks, he contributed to the establishment of an Ontology, which has been used for semantic data integration. As a member of the WP3 and WP4 of the e-content plus project GSSoil, he has been responsible for the establishment of a multilingual soil specific thesaurus which had to integrate a lot of existing controlled vocabulary (GEMET and Soil Vocabulary) and reference lists. As a member of Action 1 of EnvEurope, (LIFE08 ENV/IT/00399), and of WP3 of ExpeER he is responsible for the establishment of the Thesaurus EnvThes ( and a proof of concept architecture integrating this thesaurus, a small ontology and data from the project, based on linked data technology. Herbert Schentz takes part in the development of the ENVRI reference model and in the EUDAT LTER use case “Semantic Annotation”.

Rafael Jimenez joined ELIXIR as Chief Technical Officer in January 2014 following 13 of experience in the field of bioinformatics. He had the opportunity to work for the "European Bioinformatics Institute" (EBI-EMBL), the "Centro de Investigacion Principe Felipe" (CIPF), the "National Bioinformatics Network" of South Africa, the "British Society for Proteome Research" (BSPR), the "Institute for Molecular Bioscience" (IMB), the "Salamanca" University and NewBioTechnic (NBT). He holds a Master degree in Molecular Biology, a Master degree in Computer Science, a bioinformatics specialist certificate and a postgraduate certificate in education. He has experience in the technical co-ordination and development of services in international projects related to data integration, visualisation and analysing of biological data. He has contributed and had an active role in the development of communities and projects like BioJS, IMEx, IntAct, PSI (Proteomics Standards Initiative) and DAS (Distributed Annotation System).


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DanieleBailoEPOS.pdf (2.95 MB) 2.95 MB
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HerbertSchentzLTER.pdf (1.38 MB) 1.38 MB
Reinhard BudichENES.pdf (360.81 KB) 360.81 KB
RafaelJimenezELIXIR.pdf (5.55 MB) 5.55 MB