EOSC in Practice - ENES and EUDAT

EUDAT's B2HANDLE service was featured in the EOSC-hub Magazine's inaugural issue in the EOSC in Practice case of the European Network for Earth System modelling.

The article, featuring an interview with CMCC's Sandro di Fiore, cites that the ENES Climate Analytics Service (ECAS) reduces the need for the user to orchestrate complex workflows, by taking advantage of the workflow capabilities to run very complex experiments and take the coordination burden off the users, providing an end-to-end workflow experience. This will encourage flexible and open data sharing according to the FAIR principles and will enable PID-based provenance support through the integration with specific services like B2HANDLE. (See the article in the EOSC-hub Magazine)
B2HANDLE is a distributed service for storing, managing and accessing persistent identifiers (PIDs) and essential metadata (PID records) as well as managing PID namespaces. The implementation of the service relies on the DONA/Handle persistent identifier solution.

ENES-EUDAT collaboration

ENES has had a fruitful collaboration with EUDAT, having their community federation of data servers integrated into EUDAT. Moreover, ENES is using B2FIND to integrate metadata from the World Data Center Climate (WDCC), which includes some Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) data. ENES is also integrating more of the ENES metadata providers so their data can be found via B2FIND.
Within ENES, several partners have already established infrastructures for the long-term preservation of data, especially well structured large data collections. They also need to preserve long tail data (that is, large numbers of small data collections) within ENES. DKRZ is exploring running an instance of B2SHARE for ENES users and is evaluating the situation regarding the potential uptake of this service. 
To learn more about the collaboration between EUDAT and ENES, check out the ENES case study.