ELIXIR builds a sustainable pan-European infrastructure for biological information, supporting life science research and its translation to medicine, agriculture, bioindustries and society. ELIXIR unites Europe’s leading life science organisations in managing and safeguarding the massive amounts of data being generated every day by publicly funded research.
The Scientific Challenge
ELIXIR has to provide the facilities necessary for life science researchers - from bench biologists to cheminformaticians - to make the most of a rapidly growing store of information about living systems, which is the foundation on which the understanding of life is built.
Who benefits and how?
Researchers targeted by ELIXIR will directly benefit from the collaboration as all the EUDAT’s services can be of immediate and practical support to their daily work.
Preliminary Results
The collaboration with EUDAT ensures that the ELIXIR needs related to the orchestration of the collection, quality control and archiving of large amounts of biological data produced by life science experiments, are taken into account in Europe’s expanding HPC landscape.